Welcome to the Blonde Reviews, where I -the blonde -review books and movies and TV shows that I watch right here in semi-perfect prose.
Now, seeing as I'm still kind of poor and pathetic and unpopular, I can't always update movies and TV shows in a timely manner, because I'm working into the wee hours of the morning.
My taste in books tends toward the YA Fantasy/Chick Lit realms (sorry I'm not sorry), but I do sometimes venture outside my comfort zone and try something new -especially with suggestions!
Movies range all over the place -except into horror/scary movies (unless I get lots of readers that want to make me suffer and ask and ask and ask me to go and review them).
TV shows are a little harder, because I can't keep up a regular TV-watching schedule, but there are shows that I follow every season, and sometimes I just have to do super major catch-up sessions every few weeks to keep myself updated.
So yes, I can't promise you the most timely of reviews, but I can promise you that they will be the best and most honest that I can give to you.
I'd never give anything less.
The Blonde
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